Verizon 2.0
As Verizon announced the launch of 5G in the US we were asked to create some slides for its keynote. Instead we created a type animation system. Constructing and deconstructing our one typography to represent 5G’s multidimensionality.

Consequently it became the style for all 5G communication across multiple channels, and was evolve for different announcement at MWC and AWS re:Invent, introducing new animations, use of z-space, and ultimately color gradients while maintaining our Swiss-design look.
Client: Verizon
Product: Brand
For the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Conference, re:Invent 2019, we developed a video to accompany the announcement of our 5G Edge product. The design challenge was integrating color into our recognizable and black and white Swiss-design system, while keeping the design distinctive and on-brand for Verizon, in a world of colored carriers.
Typographic elements such as gradation, shadows and blocks using color allowed us to stay true to our brand while also connoting the excitement and transformative power of 5G Edge which changes the paradigm and opens up infinite possibilities.
Forward Together
As the company was launching its new credo we were asked to create a fast-paced animation for it. Leaning into the newly created italics typeface and with a single message, we developed a variation of our 2.0 system that complemented this typeface and the angle of the Verizon checkmark.
MWC Americas
As we continued to evolve our kinetic type-treatment at different tentpole events, we starting introduction depth and complex grids.
Verizon 2.0


Verizon 2.0

Kinetic typography animation for Verizon
